XP Search was founded in 1999 to solve our client’s toughest problem, the acquisition of great talent.
We serve respected technology company’s from high energy start ups to world
class publicly traded, multinational organizations. Our core services include
Executive Search, Contingent Search, and unique Special Projects.
Our principals started their careers as Electrical Engineers designing
Integrated Circuits, transitioned to Sales Engineers and then Sales Managers
working with many of the same clients we serve today.
This provides us a unique perspective and deepened credibility with the sales
and engineering centric candidates that we speak with on a daily basis.
We are global in reach, having placed professionals in North America, Asia and
Europe. We have placed several hundred professionals at over 100 unique
corporation’s. We are proud to report that over 40 of our client’s have had
liquidity events through Initial Public Offering, Merger or Acquisition.